Saturday 8 September 2012

Uncharted 3 - Patch 1.13 Notes * A Message from Naughty Dog

I take a few minutes imitating Uncharted 3's Lead Multiplayer Bullshitter: Robert Cogburn (with my best American geek accent). In case you didn't get the hint: It's shoddy rant about an upset, DLC-buying, Uncharted 3 gamer who feels pretty disappointed. You have been warned. - + - + - + - + - * - + - + - + - + -* - + - + - + - + -* - + - + - + - + - So it turns out that the customization that ND promised us, even before the game was released, was just a pile of crap items with ridiculous, absurd stats that make game-play as balanced as a house of cards on top of an ice cube amidst a tornado storm, surrounded by a lake of fire. - + - + - + - + - * - + - + - + - + -* - + - + - + - + -* - + - + - + - + - Come Tuesday, August 14th, I am able to buy sideburns that give me magical powers of "increased stopping-power"...seriously?! Yeah. Seriously. I can wear a decapitated unicorn's head, but can't wear sunglasses and a ball-cap. I get new items like elf-ears or a gimp mask (which don't even remotely fit in-game) but I can't simply choose a purple-coloured shirt for my character! I can put sunglasses on the one guy, but not when he's wearing a suit or a desert scarf. I can wear a cowboy hat, but only with a suit jacket. I can change the colour of a woman's bra, but not her outer clothing. I think it's time that the game developers took their heads out of their asses and actually listened to what we asked, instead of tearing this tearing the game I loved playing as a hobby to ...

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