I Wear My Sunglasses At Night Life Parody Vanessa Scotto Map 2 Self Guide to a road less traveled. vanessascotto.com Facebook Friend www.facebook.com Andyou? When will you begin that long journey into yourself? — Rumi To hear the show on Map2self go to www.blogtalkradio.com/map2self Somewhere along the way in life we forget who we really are: we may make choices based on gaining love or approval, or we may buy into cultural stories about who we are and what we can do. One day we wake up exhausted, stressed, and burnt out from trying to be someone we are not. We have a vague sense that something is missing. And we no longer feel the passion of possibilities, or the fire of the dreams we were meant to pursue. This loss of contact with our true Self is often slow and quiet. We begin to suffocate ourselves with expectations and "shoulds", blocking out our own intuition. We don't even recognize the moment we surrender who we are and choose the path of convention; the path we are "supposed to" take. Carve out your own path and unlimited possibilities will unfold. Life will take on more meaning. You will break free of the harmful mental restrictions that have been weighing you down and you will once again experience the unmitigated joy of being alive and the pleasure of being true to your core. Yes, you will have to face the unknown. You will come up against the fears, and painful beliefs that have stifled you for so long. But with each step you increasingly feel the power and ...
Here's a short snippet of CRAP INC Wayfarer Spring / Summer 2011 collection. The collection features 9 different wayfarer designs with 3 categories to choose from ie Limited Edition, Skull and Basics. The wayfarers are now available via your favourite retailers PERVERSE & TATTOO FAMILY both located at Sg Wang Plaza, KL. For more info log on to www.facebook.com Special thanks to all our supportive fixie riders:- Ernest Tsan, Jackie Chia, Eu Jin, Eu Win, Cheng Yee, Edric and Khojib